Trying to play catch up!

I haven't updated since around Anime Expo of this year so I have a bit of catching up to do! Uploaded most of the images from Anime Expo 2014 so go to the Conventions tab to have a look!

As for the event itself, I thought it was a pretty great experience this year. It started out rough though as the computers broke down on DAY 0 so people were waiting in line literally from morning until night. I was in the PRESS PASS line near the front and didn't move for about 4 hours or so to give you a rough estimate. Feel sorry for everyone that actually waited outside in the heat. Screw that noise.

Justin of iCosplay

Justin of iCosplay

Getting past that part though, this year it was good for me because I got to meet up with a lot of friends old and new! Finally got to meet and hang out with Justin of iCosplay during the entire event and he was a real trooper. This year was the first year I decided to bring my lights to get some ( hopefully ) better shots! And he helped me all days getting to and from places with all that heavy gear, so thanks again my friend! My friend Chris also showed up to help me as well!


Didn't spend too much time inside the Exhibitor's halls but it was more packed this year than any other year before. Hopefully Anime Expo will be able to accommodate its visitors better next year. ( One can hope right??? )

Again, please visit the Convention tab on my site to see the images taken from this years ANIME EXPO 2014!!

And for your viewing pleasure, enjoy a few derps from me and my friends in between shoots!

LeeAnna Vamp and I

LeeAnna Vamp and I

Jessie, Linda, Mel and I

Jessie, Linda, Mel and I

Jennifer, Jono and I

Jennifer, Jono and I

Dinner with these amazing people =]   Jordan, Lyz, Cody, Justin, Brandon, Darshelle and I

Dinner with these amazing people =]   Jordan, Lyz, Cody, Justin, Brandon, Darshelle and I

Site getting updated this week!

Sorry for the long wait for an update to my site, I have been extremely busy and dealing also with recovering VERY important files from a totally crashed hard drive. I should be getting my files back tomorrow and will update the site with newer work and my coverage at recent conventions!

Thanks for being patient and supportive!