Wondercon 2014

Wow, what a great convention! The weather was just right, the convention halls were full of great people but not SUPER packed and the food trucks were RIGHT OUTSIDE waiting to save us all!

Darshelle going nuts on my Sony RX100 and my phone!

Darshelle going nuts on my Sony RX100 and my phone!

I didn't go about shooting like crazy this time, but spent more time just going around admiring everything and trying to meet new people! Hung out with Darshelle Stevens and Jono a lot that weekend, both amazing photographers who are very well known in the Cosplay community! 

Wind of the Stars Cosplay as Lilith from Borderlands! Borrowed Darshelle's lights for this shot!

Wind of the Stars Cosplay as Lilith from Borderlands! Borrowed Darshelle's lights for this shot!

Got to do some quick photoshoots with some amazing cosplayers and assist in shooting with Darshelle and Jono as well! 











Courtoon as Artemis from Young Justice!

Courtoon as Artemis from Young Justice!

The image below shows that the  cosplayers were having some fun with the religious people =] 

They had fun too, talking to cosplayers and smiling and laughing with them, there weren't any problems at all with anyone this weekend! 

Cosplayer happens to be named Sin =]

Cosplayer happens to be named Sin =]

Met and made a lot of new friends, had great dinners each night ( after long ass waits haha ), and made it back home exhausted but completely satisifed! Till next year Wondercon!

[ Photos will be uploaded to the websites galleries shortly. In the meantime they can be found on my facebook page at www.facebook.com/saffelsphotography ]

Lightning shoot with Tali Cosplay!

I had the chance to shoot this past Sunday with the amazing Tali Cosplay! She was a trooper from beginning to end! Tali was actually extremely sick and shouldn't really have been out of bed at all but she stuck to the plans we made, powered through it and totally pulled it off!

sunset small.jpg

We made the drive to do this shoot from LA to Riverside because I had a specific spot I wanted to check out (based on a recommendation from a friend). The place was awesome but we had to make a pretty nice hike up a mountain to get to the top where our location was. It wouldn't have been too bad, but with Tali sick, all the equipment to push up, and the crazy wind factor it was definitely a challenge.

Our little cart of crap. Yes, that is a sword. And a banana.

Our little cart of crap. Yes, that is a sword. And a banana.

At the top, the area was great but between the winds trying to throw my lights off the edge and all the people walking by who decided to stop and take pictures of us, ask us questions, and/or decide to stand in the background to become part of our picture, we didn't quite get all the pictures we anticipated. We still managed to get some pretty good shots though!

It was a great shoot and I do think we may come back here again to do a certain shoot someday ( Red Dead =] ) but I don't think we will be needing to go ALL the way to the top again. haha!

I also wanted to thank her friend Alex, who showed up with the sword prop that he MADE and for sticking around to help us with the shoot. Without it I am positive we would not have been able to pull most of the shots off. Thanks again Alex!

Here are a few camera shots from the shoot, enjoy!
