I play to win!!!
Hey guys, the D.Va Powerbank I ordered months ago finally came in yesterday so here is a quick review/rundown on this beautiful baby!
TL;DR - It's really nice, get it.
First thing, the packaging. Comes in a really clean white box with the D.Va logo on it, super cute!
(Mine was damaged, as you can see, but everything inside is safe and secure. Package comes wrapped snug and tight but I can see this happening to other customers if the package is tossed around a lot/carelessly)
Box is cute but was damaged in transit.
Mine also came with a little D.Va carrying pouch. Not sure if everyone who orders will get this or if it only came to those who pre-ordered/waited through delays.
D.Va carrying pouch
Inside the package were a cute little D.Va bunny keychain that you attach to the little clip on the guns handle and a pink micro USB cable that matches the gun! I personally won't be attaching the keychain because it will cause the paint to get scratched off in that area. That kind of thing just happens with all keychains.
D.Va keychain
Micro USB cable with matching c
It also provides you with a little instruction sheet for the stand, with the pieces stickied onto the back of it!
Cute instructions for gun use and the stand. Stand pieces are stickied onto the back of this.
Just wanted to point out that these parts do NOT move! Don't try to mess with them or you will damage your gun!
That little switch above and behind the trigger does not move. Don't try to move it with force, you might damage your gun.
The 'bunny ears' in the front do actually move a LITTLE, just use caution when doing it.
On the bottom you have the micro USB port to charge the gun and a standard USB 2.0 out to charge whatever it is you need charging.
Mirco USB charging port and standard 2.0 USB port
These pics don't show it too well but the gun also has a laser pointer and an LED 'flash' light!
Pull the trigger once to activate and de-activate the laser pointer, twice for the LED light!
And yes, the green parts of the gun light up as well!
Laser Pointer
LED light ( it's actually pretty strong, it's just the image isn't shot in a dark enough area :p )
I believe the gun holds about 8000mAh of charge, so it's good enough to recharge lets say, your average cellphone at least twice fully before going out. You CAN of course purchase other USB chargers that can hold WAY more power but none of them look and feel as nice as this baby :]
The paint is perfect, everything is super clean. This can totally be used by cosplayers as a prop gun, it is made to scale. No loose parts, nothing rattling around, it's just a quality made product. I highly recommend and have no regrets whatsoever in purchasing this!
Well, just one! I should have bought 2 O_O
Few more pics for you below!
To inquire/purchase one of these, visit Parallele Paraiso!