Happy New Years everyone! Hope everyone had a great holiday season! Now it's back to the grind! I will be updating the site much more frequently this year (and cleaning it up to be more streamlined and easier to navigate the content).
Up first, I have re-added the popular Once Upon a Dream print back in my print store! These will unfortunately not be signed by cosplayer Courtoon as those were a limited time thing and are completely sold out! You can purchase that print (or others) from the Print Store link on the site! All profits go towards funding more shoots and equipment! Thanks for all your support guys!
Ok, so starting off the shoots in 2015 is my friend Chloe aka Sushimonstuh! We had a great day in studio shooting some fashion style images! More will be posted on the site shortly!
Yesterday I had a day in the woods and did some images for Krampus! Also some images based on a popular art piece done by J. Scott Campbell ( which should be out later this week )
Here's to looking forward to a great year! BRING IT ON 2015!